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Are you in Right Career: Know Your Scores With Career QUIZ !!!

Are you wondering if you are in the right job or career? Nothing is more draining or less motivating than staying in a position because of inertia of fear of the unknown.
Wouldn’t it be better to find out and decide whether or not to take action? Then you can plan what steps you need to take before you start a new search. 

The career quiz below will help you judge whether your career is on track. Answer yes or no to the following questions. Each yes answer counts one point. Compare your point total to the scoring key.

>1. I look forward to going to work.

>2. I talk about my work in a positive way.

>3. I have mentored a junior colleague or want to.

>4. I don’t fear layoff or termination, as I have a portfolio of skills to draw upon.

>5. I know how to network and market myself to my best advantage.

>6. People seek me out to ask career advice.

>7. I’ve achieved a good balance in my life between work and play.

>8. Money is not the driving force in deciding my next career move.

>9. I am learning from, and enjoy working with, my team or co-workers.

>10. If self-employed, I have a network of professionals who I can turn to for advice or encouragement.

>11. I feel excited about my upcoming projects, as they engage me creatively.

>12.When I face a setback at work. I am able to recover quickly as I have a reserve of energy/self-confidence.

>13. I am self-motivated and generate much of my “to do” list at work.

>14. I have a well-written, up-to-date resume.

>15. I feel positive about my future job prospects.

>16. I know where I’d like to be in five years.

>17. I know where I’d like to be in one year.

>18. I’m being compensated fairly.

>19. I respect my boss.

>20. I am able to work productively with my co-workers (or clients), even those who are difficult.

>21. I know how to deal effectively with office politics. 

>22. I have the training I need to do my job well.

>23. My boss is supportive and has provided me with opportunities to learn and grow.

>24. I’m working with a company (or client) that has integrity.

>25. I attend professional/trade association meetings to stay up-to-date in my field.

Scoring KEY
21-25 Points
Wow. Congratulations, you love your work! Never stop improving. Consider taking seminar or learning a new language.
16-20 Points
You’re doing well. This is a very good score. Speak with your boss about new opportunities or challenges you might undertake.
11-15 Points
You’ doing okay, but there’s room for improvement. Join a professional organization to grow your network and get information about other opportunities that may exist in your industry.
6-10 Points
Yes, there’s work to do. Tap into your network of colleagues and friends to discuss other career areas of interest. Seek out a mentor to get support and a broader perspective.
0-5 Points
You are not alone. It takes time and desire to find the right livelihood. Use this quiz as a starting point to pinpoint the changes. Consider taking a career assessment and/or working with a career coach to help you clarify your career goals. Know that many have successfully transitioned to careers and jobs they love.

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